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1/25/25 MRD Officials & Jammer Clinic

Video by Hit Squad TV

Memphis Roller Derby is thrilled to host a Jammer Clinic run by Static Shock #55 of the St Louis Gatekeepers AND an Officials Clinic by Jacques Strappe, Taz, and Time of Fight at 9am on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Both clinics will be followed by an optional 1-2pm scrimmage to show off all we learn!

Officials: $5
Memphis Skater: $15
Non-MRD Skaters: $30

WHERE: Pipkin Building 
940 Early Maxwell Blvd
Memphis, TN

OFFICIALS: 9am-12pm

Clinic content will be split between Skating Officials (SOs) & Non-Skating Officials (NSOs)

SKATERS: 9am-12:30pm

9am arrival

9:15 am on-skate warmup

ALL (Skaters, SOs, & NSOs): 

Scrimmage: 1pm-2pm

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